Vet Success Services

Vet Success Services (VSS) Program at Wayne State University

The Vet Success Services (VSS) program at Wayne State University supports over 120 student veterans each year. Funded through a grant competition, the program offers academic development, helps students with basic college requirements, and motivates veterans to successfully complete their education. The primary goal is to increase college retention and graduation rates for veteran participants. An application process is available for interested students.

Vision Statement

The VSS Program aims to provide academic support services that build trust-based relationships with veteran students. This trust will be established through regular dialogue, empathetic listening, and collaboration. By continuously evaluating what works, we will celebrate successes and adapt our approach to meet each student's evolving needs.

Mission Statement

The mission of the VSS Program is to partner with veteran students through a comprehensive academic support system designed to increase retention and graduation rates at Wayne State University. This partnership will empower students to overcome barriers to success in higher education.


You may be eligible for the VSS program if you meet any combination of the following criteria:

  • You are a prior-service veteran not currently serving in the military.
  • You are a first-generation college student (parents without a Bachelor’s Degree).
  • You meet income eligibility guidelines.
  • You have a documented military disability.
  • You are pursuing a Bachelor's Degree outside of the medical and law professions.

Services Provided

The VSS Program offers the following services, tailored to meet individual needs:

  • Success Coaching: One-on-one mentoring to address academic and personal needs.
  • Career Planning & Assessment: Assistance with course decisions and career planning.
  • Tutoring: Access to tutoring services based on individual needs.
  • Workshops: Study skills and self-improvement workshops.
  • Graduate Enrollment Assistance: Help with navigating graduate school admissions.

Contact Information

For VSS-related questions, contact:

  • Jaime Lopez or Bill Keilman

For general information, contact:

  • Matthew McLain

To schedule an appointment with a Success Coach, use the appointment system.

Additional Support Services

  • VSS Application
  • Career Services
  • Student Disability Services
  • Academic Success Center
  • Find a Benefits Counselor (MVAA)
  • Veteran Readiness and Employment Services (VR&E)
  • Tutoring:
    • Mathematics Resource Center
    • Writing Center tutoring support
    • Peer Assisted Learning
  • Financial Aid Services:
    • FAFSA
    • Financial Aid Office


  • Work Study Application
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader