Academic probation
Academic Probation and Support Services
If you are on probation, it is strongly recommended that you reach out to the following support services:
- University Advising Center
- Study Skills Center (located in the David Adamany Undergraduate Library)
- Academic Advisor
The Undergraduate Advising Center offers a comprehensive counseling and tutorial program, provided by professionals at no cost. This service is flexible and covers all areas of study. If personal matters are affecting your academic performance, you may also contact Counseling and Psychological Services for additional support.
Federal Requirements for Veterans' Educational Benefits
The Gadson OMVAE is required by federal law to monitor each student’s progress according to the University's academic standards. Federal law mandates that educational assistance benefits for veterans and other eligible persons will be discontinued if the student fails to make satisfactory progress toward completing their educational objective.
If your cumulative honor point average (HPA) is below the required level for good academic standing, you may receive a "Notice of Probationary Certification".
Probation Period and Benefit Continuation
- Probationary Period: You will be given a probationary period of two academic semesters. Extensions are allowed for a maximum of two consecutive semesters.
- Monitoring: At the end of the probationary period, the Gadson OMVAE will review both your term HPA and cumulative HPA.
- If your cumulative HPA reaches 2.0 for undergraduates or 3.0 for graduates within the two semesters, you will be removed from probation and will continue to receive benefits.
- If you do not improve your cumulative HPA to the required level, and if your term GPA is below the minimum necessary for satisfactory academic progress, the VA will be notified, and your benefits are likely to be terminated.
If your benefits are terminated, their restoration will depend on a decision by the Department of Veterans Affairs regarding your eligibility. For more information on reinstating your benefits, please contact the Gadson OMVAE School Certifying Official.